Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
A similar process is likely to be operating in the mineral water aquifer system.
Water levels have been recorded in the J-17 well since the 1910s, and is used to generalize the entire aquifer system.
At the present time, only one mine is operating within the alluvial aquifer system.
The shallow aquifer system is found at a depth of approximately 76 m.
This formation is an integral part of the surficial aquifer system.
These assumptions are only valid under hydrostatic conditions in the aquifer system.
It is widespread in Florida and part of the intermediate confining aquifer system.
In addition, the city has also been disposing of its liquid wastes into the aquifer system for some time.
It's permeability is generally low, forming part of the intermediate aquifer system.
The most over-stressed is the Arabian aquifer system upon which more than 60 million people depend for water.
Groundwater comes from aquifer systems under the mine.
With the aquifer system, two well fields are tapped: one for cold storage and the other for heat.
The campus plan is devised to re-generate the subterranean aquifer system.
If the supply were to be contaminated, no reasonably available alternative source of drinking water could replace the aquifer system.
Is it feasible to restore the aquifer system?
The exploration depth of the bedrock aquifer system was also considered as part of this analysis.
Other wells throughout the valley have also been established, some with digital recorders, to monitor the response of the local aquifer system.
Its main water supply comes from the Floridan aquifer system, one of the most productive aquifers in the world.
On Long Island, our aquifer system is our sole source of drinking water.
Groundwater resource evaluation, including hydrogeological modeling of aquifer systems and water balance studies.
The unique aquifer system is one of Arlanda's most defining environmentally friendly designs.
"Low" quality water is pumped from the Latrobe River and the aquifer system below the coal mine.
In Mapleton Township there are three identified aquifer systems.
The advantage to this system is its flexibility in adjudicating competing uses of an aquifer system.
How does the aquifer system behave?