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Getting up out of an armless dining room chair without using your hands or any other help?
The armless human figures once had wooden arms and real clothes.
The armless, legless child looked to be about five years old.
The figure is also armless and without a discernibly real face.
She was smiling down at him from her armless rocker.
Outside, about 200 yards from the police office, the road was full of armless zombies.
To his right is an oblong table, with eight armless chairs.
I pulled a straight-backed armless chair close to her and sat down.
It's hard for an armless robot to get work these days."
Baldur sat in one of the armless chairs and looked at me.
There is an angle from which, though legless and armless, he still seems to have his head.
June was out there waiting for us, sitting in an armless kitchen chair, playing her cello.
Kalesin took the single armless chair on the other side of the desk.
She seated herself opposite him in the other padded, armless chair.
This table was surrounded by half a dozen armless wooden chairs.
Oosik carried over an armless chair that looked too small for him.
Hank reached for the jacket that had landed on the armless easy chair.
There was a low, carved, armless chair beside him and he flung himself into it.
Mykel eased back in the armless chair, very carefully, thinking.
Reynol gestured to the man sitting in the armless chair.
An armless, broken robot stood in the room back of the smashed entrance.
These armless creatures, some wearing black stockings and boots, stand facing front.
Nor her earlier account of seeing an armless and legless baby at the Vatican.
It can manipulate objects, which is very different from the armless Kismet.
A pair of nameless, armless 50's chairs face the windows.