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Everything she did had a degree of artfulness to it.
I want to see you do all things correctly, yet with some artfulness.
The same artfulness must now be applied to his foreign policy speeches.
Benjamin West picked up this piece of artfulness from the stage.
A little less artfulness would have been nice, but then this was a fairly loaded situation.
The ceremony can be seen as studied artfulness, and this, really, is the point of the entire experience.
Girls are like monkeys when it comes to artfulness.
In this atmosphere, professionalism and artfulness seemed beside the point.
I have always appreciated the artfulness with which my hon. Friend asks questions.
The musicians took on that party band identity without sacrificing artfulness.
There is nothing contrived about the other stories except their gleaming artfulness.
That artfulness, however, has removed the impetus for passing budgets on time.
"You can see the artfulness and thoughtfulness in designer clothes," she said.
"It is how those secrets are told, with what artfulness the truth is given."
It's a stereotype that couldn't be further from the real artfulness possible in gaming.
And there has been artfulness as well as pleasure in the hustle.
That the birds, sitting so still, might almost be stuffed is an element in the works' eerie artfulness.
Artfulness often took a back seat to freedom of expression as films began to criticize the Soviet system.
He's weeping now, but that's his craft and artfulness.
Surely this is the one area of art activity where 'artfulness' need not apply.
"It will require quite a bit of artfulness."
The artists' deliberate lack of artfulness keeps their presentation riveting.
A democratic rebellion against the artifice and artfulness of 18th-century conversation?
While the strategy has risks, it can be carried out with varying artfulness, depending on how much effort and money a company wants to spend.
Nike's advertising campaign, by contrast, has been widely praised for its artfulness and clarity.