Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
And a great deal more to the like artless purpose.
And so artless he sometimes makes me feel a thousand years old.
But people on both sides of that issue thought the campaign was artless.
He may have been artless enough to think I was."
To think that anybody at my age could eat such things was an idea possible only to the very artless mind.
This girl was either too artless, or a wonderful actress.
And why the artless hedge, "as he has almost certainly remained"?
Richard folded his arms and stared at the artless one.
He should not have left his artless daughter in a house where the other ladies were so subtle.
She had outlined his choices only too clearly in her artless conversation.
The artless words of a student, perhaps, but deeply wounding even so.
No blame attaches to a simple mind, much less to an artless and an open heart.
Yet, to my surprise, a month ago I received a letter from this artless country priest.
Her hair was the color of late sunset, and she moved with a remarkably artless grace.
Perhaps her words had been a child's artless error.
Owen had to grin at the series of perfectly artless questions.
Sue's was of the most artless and natural kind.
The evening's artless triumph had been followed by the late night's crushing loss.
Fortunately or not, we can never go back to those artless Paleolithic days.
Once she rolled over and stretched one arm above her head in artless grace.
He had never seen her like this, so artless, so open and vulnerable.
Determined to look at ease, she summoned her most artless smile.
On the surface a foolish question, far too artless.
The first architect, come to visit these humble artless walls for something more than business?
"How well you play the role of the artless wench.