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A special form of ascesis is carried out through art.
For greater ascesis, some may choose to go without food entirely for a short period of time.
Magical Ascesis, effort and action to dominate the forces of Nature.
The English term ascesis means "the practice of self-discipline".
Ascesis, for large string orchestra and celesta (1993)
Spiritual progress entails the ascesis and mortification that gradually leads to living in the peace and joy of the beatitudes.
Cosmic Ascesis, action and advance towards a syntony or cosmicization with the whole: stars, elements, skies, etc.
All these forms of ascesis are explained as doctrine and as practice in special booklets called "Archeosophy Booklets".
This meditation technique is deeply treated in his essay The Mystical Ascesis and Meditation on the Heart.
This mental ascesis is the rejection of tempting thoughts (the "thieves") that come to the Hesychast as he watches in sober attention in his hermitage.
Archeosofica proposes an integral Ascesis, composed, that is, of other integrative asceses which we enumerate as follows:
Tommaso Palamidessi, The Mystical Ascesis and Meditation on the Heart, ed.
The practice of the Jesus Prayer is integrated into the mental ascesis undertaken by the Orthodox monastic in the practice of hesychasm.
In this passage, St John of Sinai says that the primary task of the Hesychast is to engage in mental ascesis.
Kazantzakis thought that there are two streams in life: the first one runs toward ascesis, synthesis, life and immortality, while the second one runs towards dissolution, matter, death.
In a baritone of arrogated authority, he says to the men stretched before him, "We will cultivate 'the self' by means of an ascesis, an 'art of life.'"
Mystical Ascesis, through an intense devotional life of dialogue with the Divinity; a process of inner transmutation leading to active ecstasy, to the vision of the Light.
According to Ibn 'Arabi, the main practices of Andalusi Sufis included ascesis, poverty, and devotion to the Qur'an.
Both encourage Ascesis with respect to the passions and inferior emotions such as lust, envy and anger, so that the higher possibilities of one's humanity can be awakened and developed.
In Ascesis, composed on occasion of the 70th anniversary of the Belgrade Philharmonic, Obradović, as indicated by the work's title, utilizes minimalist compositional techniques.
Sapiential and Initiatic Ascesis, or the spiritual elevation of oneself through the Knowledge and particular practices leading to an inner transmutation and to the qualitative leap.
This combination of action and learning forms for Evola a sort of ideal ascesis or discipline "in the Roman sense" because it combines an asceticism of action with an asceticism of contemplation.
Geist und Leben was founded 1926 in Innsbruck as Zeitschrift für Aszese und Mystik (Review for Ascesis and Mysticism).
Social Ascesis that is the effort, exercise, methodical and progressive action to become a perfect citizen and to make oneself a spokesman of a new society resting on the pillars of charity, non-violence, reciprocal economic, cultural and spiritual assistance.
Oil of Catechumens is to help strengthen the person about to be baptized, and prepare them for the struggle (ascesis) of the Christian life, the way a wrestler in ancient Greece and Rome was anointed before a wrestling match.