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Life is short, and the list of aspiring actors long.
We are not so different from every other generation of aspiring actors that has come before us.
Where else can young, aspiring actors make so many key contacts in one day?
An aspiring actor, he makes his living trying to sell magazine by telephone.
Maynard is an aspiring actor whose career started in 2006.
The book has become somewhat of a "bible for aspiring actors".
Unemployed and aspiring actors hoping for a part would line its western wall.
He is also an aspiring actor, having appeared in numerous movie and television roles.
Future medical students felt no envy, for instance, of aspiring actors or lawyers.
Now an aspiring actor in drama school, Ken has sold the film rights to his story.
An aspiring actor, he earned his first breaks in the business doing small parts on television shows.
About an aspiring actor who happens to be a midget.
Its rather liberal open door policy allowed aspiring actors admission even if they didn't have the money to pay.
She regularly returned to his studio to speak with aspiring actors throughout her career.
Not temp work for aspiring actors, they are taken seriously.
The film tells the life story of its four main subjects, all aspiring actors who have very different backgrounds.
It's enough to make other aspiring actors whine, "Leave some parts for us!"
Roy, an aspiring actor, reaches a dilemma in his career.
Some, aspiring actors, have written merely to thank him.
Here's a performance that should act as a reference guide for all aspiring actors".
One of her daughters is an aspiring actor that deals with chronic health issues.
As an aspiring actor whose pals were visual artists, he felt somewhat out of place.
In fact, many are calling it a Brooklyn movement of performance artists and a haven for the aspiring actor.
Andy is an aspiring actor who falls short of proper acting roles.