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No one had seen them at all since before the first asteroid.
My name now is among those going to look for the asteroid.
"Can you think of a better way to take over the asteroid without force?"
So, what if an asteroid were to hit Earth today?
The three of them were the only ones living on the asteroid.
"Keep us between them and that asteroid no matter what you do."
Perhaps it is the only one of its kind on the asteroid.
To move an asteroid, he says, just change its color.
He had not thought about giving the asteroid a name.
He could make out a case that the asteroid was his.
Were the issues they saw today the same ones we'll face on an asteroid?
It seemed they had found something on the far side of the asteroid.
And what about those of us who already live here among the asteroids?
They needed something powerful enough to actually move a small asteroid.
What was it that the others had found on the far side of the asteroid?
Lost asteroids can be used for other things as well.
Also, maybe you can tell us what happened out among the asteroids.
No known asteroid is expected to hit the Earth in that time.
In a prison on the far side of the asteroid.
There was a man on the surface of the asteroid.
"We just have to hope it hit the right asteroid."
"How long have we got before they eat up the asteroid?"
The ship came out from behind the asteroid, and kept coming.
The asteroid was expected to pass near Earth every 11 years, next in 2011.
The asteroid had hit the unit about a third of the way from the front end.