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Quite possibly no one would be astir for another hour or two.
The people were astir already, moving rapidly, in one direction, through the streets.
I would have told you earlier, but the mansion has just been astir about the whole thing!"
The coach was astir with travelers dividing the baggage among themselves.
The air was mild, astir with odors of salt and jasmine.
And then the court was astir with the news that Genji would return to the city.
The command center was astir with quiet, organized frenzy.
Early though it was the Indians were astir and their whooping rang throughout the valley.
But Truth or Consequences is astir with projects beyond the spaceport.
With unwonted energy Coventry was astir seven next morning.
Yet her mind was astir with plans.
The city was ablaze with lights; it was astir and roaring!
For two hours, or thereabouts, ye'd hear no sound; then all would be astir again to do as they'd a mind to.
Beyond these shores the world was astir with great and significant changes but the currents of these events would barely touch them here.
I'll be astir bright and early to meet Captain Folger.
At earliest dawn our camp was astir and an hour later we had started upon our memorable expedition.
All of Perkins was astir with Annie's forthcoming adventure.
The goblin camp remained astir, with accusations flying.
"It is a fine morning," said Poirot, looking out of the window, "and no one is likely to be astir very early.
The deck was astir with movement.
Night had fallen hours before, but the base still was astir with activity that was at once feverish and furtive.
The kitchen was astir already.
"The town is not yet astir."
Nearer we came and nearer to the little town hushed in sleep; not even a dog was astir to bay at the moon.
And you must prevent him from eating or sleeping; day and night the country must be astir for him.