Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
At root, the issue before the court comes down to the question of chance.
But this would be to make the best of what is, at root, a bad job.
At root, he is a nice guy; his heart was always in the right place.
At root in the debate is how intelligence has been used.
They deal at root with two key aspects of business process change.
At root I just didn't believe that others would deliver.
At root, the Gaza problem is a political rather than a security issue.
A corporate foreign policy has to be based on what, at root, a company stands for.
In particular, we think that our programs will allow us to get at root causes and do something about them.
But at root, the distinction is only one of degree.
At root, business is still about getting money out of your pocket into mine.
And, at root, it has surprisingly little to do with education.
So at root you may think that you've been pretty fortunate.
A look below ground at root development would be even more alarming.
At root, he said, "the real problem is that I was too popular."
But, at root, the trend is not these companies' friend.
But the Tower was good at rooting out such things.
They want a crack at Root before tea, and they're going to get one.
At root this is probably the desire to be in the mainstream again.
"At root this is not just about our laws, but who we are as a people," Obama said.
And they intend to work hard at rooting it out.
He says "this is not at root a debt crisis".
The art of rhetoric is, at root, about the relationship between a speaker and an audience.
Paul and he were the same man at root.
I think, at root, the problem is one of mirroring.