Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
I'm not clear how this made him an atheist, but knew better than to ask.
How many atheists would there be in the world, then?
And yet I just heard you claim to be an atheist.
"Can anyone tell me why we have an atheist on staff?"
It is possible that he was an atheist, like his son.
An atheist is someone who sees no evidence for a personal god.
I know many atheists who are very involved in their communities.
Atheists generally do not believe in a life after death.
As a medical student, he began to question religion and in 1846 became an atheist.
This means that atheists have the same rights under the law as everyone else.
As a result, he was an atheist even in his childhood.
So 90 years later, I discovered that he was an atheist.
In fact, he had never claimed to be an atheist.
And, perhaps most important: What is the purpose of life for atheists?
"Why should we let the 1 or 2 percent who are atheists rule this country?"
By the end of the year, I had left the church and declared myself an atheist.
Scientists are more likely to be atheists than the rest of the general population.
I have another man who was an atheist, and had lost all belief in future life.
Despite being raised in religious family, he later on became an atheist.
I became an atheist at the age of 11, just after being confirmed.
"People feel they have to be either fundamentalist or atheist."
Last week, the Atheists' suit was moved to federal court.
The other had found him a very cynical man, an atheist.
You can still believe in ghosts and be an atheist.
People who do not believe in any gods are called atheists.
Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
The third and first, on the other hand, need not be atheistic at all.
He gives the impression of one working with the atheistic government.
Tom closed his eyes, and shuddered at the dark, atheistic words.
Now we had to save the world from "atheistic Communism."
Atheistic education was regarded as a central task of Soviet schools.
Atheistic science is being driven right out of our textbooks.
The atheistic old goat was an angel whether he wanted to be or not.
The record is exactly what the atheistic professors at Yale say.
In Europe, "communism" was considered to be the more atheistic of the two.
The school system would also begin enhancing atheistic materials in its curriculum.
"Why do we cross our fingers during turbulence, even the most atheistic among us?"
It is characterized as a materialism and atheistic school of thought.
They include not only atheistic and communistic states on the international scene but also certain people within our own society.
They were the rational, atheistic two, lost to the evangelical religion of their father.
We know his tastes in literature were for the immoral and the atheistic.
However, their religious affiliation in an officially atheistic state made life increasingly difficult.
But his message is in essence atheistic, or existential, if you want.
The park is known for its Musical fountains and atheistic beauty.
For the glory of Jesus and another blow against atheistic- communism.
Not so long ago, atheistic communists played that role.
Catholic schools are closed and replaced with nothing or atheistic institutes of the State.
During his career, and for a variety of reasons, he made various comments against atheistic movements.
But here she was, friends with an atheistic mutant!
Can we take from Marxism certain elements without having to accept its atheistic commitment?
"As a rule seeing the models of art works tends to make one atheistic.
Several studies have found Sweden to be one of the most atheist countries in the world.
Surely they should be made to pay rather than the largely atheist general population.
During the Soviet period, religious celebrations were discouraged by the officially atheist state.
In this account, Vietnam is one of the most atheist countries in the world:
Therefore, many Marxist-Leninist states, historically and currently, are also atheist states.
The Soviet Union propagated a totally atheist lifestyle.
In 1967, religious practices were officially banned in Albania, making the country the first and only constitutionally atheist state to ever exist.
And Bernave had loved them, or he would not have risked keeping them in these destructive, atheist times.
I cannot by law set up a school that does not teach religion as fact and prioritise admission of children who come from secular or atheist families.
Let us remember that Nazism in Germany and fascism in Italy also had socialist and atheist roots.
After World War II the Catholics in the zone occupied by the Soviet army found themselves under a militantly atheist government.
Although he has often criticized excesses of capitalism and its consumer culture before, his treatment of Marxism as a fundamentally atheist ideology has always been more severe.
As the Soviet Union was an officially atheist state, SADUM had no official ties to the Soviet government.
Between 1988 and 1991, the officially atheist government ordered the Meskel celebration to be moved back to the small square outside the southern gates of St. George Cathedral.
Crescens called the Christians atheotatous, "the most atheist ones", and Justin admitted that the Christians were indeed atheists regarding their attitude toward the pagan gods.
Ginzburg was an avowed atheist, both under the militantly atheist Soviet government and in post-Communist Russia when religion made a strong revival.
And it is a constituency to which Cameron could speak, as he faces leading the largest party in a hung Parliament, while Brown chases non-voting Muslims and Clegg entertains his trendy, atheist friends.
The Vatican's Pontifical Council for Dialogue with Non-Believers, which deals among other things with religious issues as they affect officially atheist nations, has met in recent years with church leaders and ideologists from the Eastern bloc.
As an avowedly atheist state that sells arms to Iraq and is engaged in a war against Islamic guerrillas in Afghanistan, the Soviet Union hardly seems a promising partner for the Islamic revolutionary leaders of Iran.
A requested visit from the eminent but atheist German Doctor Ludwig Büchner in company with the notorious Edward Aveling went amiably on Thursday 28 September with Darwin introducing his old friend the Revd.
However, the anti-religious campaign of the past decade and the terror tactics of the militantly atheist regime, had effectively eliminated all public expressions of religion and communal gatherings of believers outside of the walls of the few churches that still held services.
So Pope John Paul II's arrival in this city on a lake today was something of a moment in a land that until a few years ago was the world's only officially atheist state, its most isolated and the most rigid in its Stalinism.
The penchant to make evolution the intellectual linchpin of a wholly atheist outlook is manifest in the writings of Richard Dawkins, professor of public understanding of science at Oxford, whose public understanding of human beings is that they are "survival machines" for genes.
On average, predominantly Catholic countries show very high uncertainty avoidance, relatively high power distance, moderate masculinity and relatively low individualism, whereas predominantly atheist countries have low uncertainty avoidance, very high power distance, moderate masculinity, and very low individualism.
It is possible for profoundly atheist evolutionary biologists like Dr. Dawkins and deeply spiritual ones like Dr. Kenneth Miller of Brown University, who writes extensively on evolution, to be in complete agreement about the scientific mechanism governing biological evolution, and the fact that life has evolved via natural selection.
I was perhaps a trifle inclined to atheistical opinions myself."
This is not place nor time for atheistical japes."
Darwin agreed that his theories were "not at all necessarily atheistical" but was unable to share Gray's belief.
"Shelley was a fine poet, sir, though a trifle atheistical in his opinions.
Casaubon was not alone in his criticisms of the new experimental philosophy for its atheistical tendencies.
The judgement of God on an atheistical roarer."
His Queen Mab, sir, is quite an atheistical work.
These atheistical fathers have a bigotry of their own, and they have learned to talk against monks with the spirit of a monk.
You have caught the negative, agnostic, and atheistical infection from others,--it is not the natural, healthy condition of your temperament."
For all her cleverness and culture, she was probably one of those soulless, atheistical women who have been so shown up by Miss Corelli.
"There is enow of theology at the Godless court, holy Jamie and his atheistical bishops.
Thomas Edwards assailed him in 1646 as a "mountebank," and as adopting the "atheistical" practice of unction for this recovery of the sick.
You may ask how I combined this directly Atheistical thought, this great " Argument from Unde.
He attacked government support for "sectarian schools" run by religious organizations, and called for the defense of public education "unmixed with sectarian, pagan or atheistical dogmas."
He had, without doubt, been around the town drinking withhis atheistical friends, he had perhaps even been taking sly mouthfuls of pork and godless bacon.
As a member of the wealthy middle class, Darwin had a social position that he might well forfeit if he became identified with the supposedly atheistical concept of transmutation.
Almost all Agnostic and Atheistical writings that show any fineness and generosity of spirit, have this tendency to become as it were the statement of an anonymous God.
Witgood tells the Host that Dampit is "the most notorious usurering, blasphemous, atheistical, brothel-vomiting rascal that we have in these latter times."
Paris is your heaven, or St. Petersburg, or Vienna, as the fancy takes you; and the modern atheistical doctrines of French demoralization are in your blood.
Shelley, excitable, uncompromising, atheistical, throwing his pamphlets into the sea in the belief that he is going to reform the world, has become a figure which is half heroic and wholly delightful.
He was charged with "prophane, atheistical carriage, in unfaithfulness and stubbornness to his master, a course of notorious lying, filthiness, scoffing at the ordinances, ways and people of God".
His college had expelled him for writing an atheistical pamphlet and afflicting the reverend heads of the university with it, his rich father and grandfather had closed their purses against him, his friends were cold.
Down-hearted doubters dull and excluded, Frivolous, sullen, moping, angry, affected, dishearten'd, atheistical, I know every one of you, I know the sea of torment, doubt, despair and unbelief.
But my library was not the first he had drawn upon: at our first encounter, he was already brimful of Shelley and the atheistical Queen Mab, and "Keats - John Keats, sir."
To understand the climate of opinion within which Darwin developed his own theory of transmutation during the late 1830s, we must bear in mind that Lamarckism had been branded as an atheistical theory appealing only to political revolutionaries.
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