Over the next six months they lost 94 killed and 401 injured in the attrition warfare of the trenches.
The 2011 Libyan civil war is arguably an example of attrition warfare.
It is largely based on attrition warfare such as World War I was.
Concepts taken from turn-based strategy games have been added into the game-including territories and attrition warfare.
In attrition warfare the enemy is seen as a collection of targets to be found and destroyed.
The attrition warfare now caught up to both sides.
As both sides soon concentrated on attrition warfare, numerous bunkers and tunnels were constructed, the remnants of which are still visible today.
Instead, under the novel conditions of attrition warfare, war pigeons in their traditional role as pigeon post saw a renaissance.
Loss exchange ratio is a figure of merit in attrition warfare.
Passchendaele has become popular with the misery of grinding attrition warfare.