Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
The voice is only audible to people inside the building - those outside hear nothing.
Words of the men who sat there were quite audible.
Or at least to a level which was not audible to those below.
This was one of the audible differences from the night before.
Suddenly a woman's voice became clearly audible above the others.
All her concern and hope were audible in the one word.
But, again, he said it too low to be audible.
The report was audible because of a late development by the Scientists.
"What I try to do is be audible and beautiful."
Her voice was far off and barely audible to him.
The relief is audible, and they get back to work.
On the other end of the floor, the contrast was audible.
Then the two bodies came together with an audible impact.
She looked at him and her lips moved, but nothing audible came from them.
A small sound, just at the audible level, came to her ears.
Her voice was barely audible, as if she were talking to herself.
Her words had been barely audible, but she knew he'd heard them.
The voice was barely audible, as though someone were talking a long way away.
She did not know when the cry became audible to them.
I was certain the pounding of my heart would be audible.
The window was open; the sounds from the street were quite audible.
He began to talk to them in a low, barely audible voice.
No sound was audible to indicate the approach of a human being.
The soft sound of it was audible in the still night.
The mother's voice, audible for the first time, stops me at the door.