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Third, his economic ideal was free trade rather than autarchy.
Since succeeding to the autarchy, I have often led charges in the north.
Against it we have our autarchy and the Russian raw materials.
A. In the field of raw materials only limited, not total, autarchy.
Thus autarchy was untenable in regard both to food and to the economy as a whole.
Where cooperatives with other farmers are possible they should be encouraged. Autarchy is a bad thing.
Rural community autarchy, even if it were an acceptable aim, is a Utopian dream.
In the thirties, during the period of sanctions, it was an exhibition of autarchy.
I grew weary of the bickering and bloodshed while the great houses struggled to control the Autarchy.
The government policy of economic autarchy made Guangdong's access to the ocean irrelevant.
During the Fascist period, especially the Autarchy campaign, regional languages were banned.
B. In the field of food the question of autarchy was to be answered by a flat "No."
It has the collaboration of the parish and the autarchy of St. Victor.
The policies of autarchy represented the regime's attempt to implement that declaration of intent.
Blockade: It will not be effective because of our autarchy and because we have sources of aid in the east.
Indeed, having grown up with the privations of autarchy, they could see the potential benefits of inclusion in the international capitalist system.
With him I hated the Autarchy, though I had no notion of what might replace it.
Under the Autarchy, Lingane increased its wealth and strength.
'If my decision is to speak, then my Autarchy will be as before, you say.'
The memorandum's suggestion that certain types of autarchy were not possible can thus be considered reasons for regarding the war as something of a necessity.
Self-sufficiency in food or autarchy could be a very costly strategy and will not be necessary when markets and trade work well.
That is not democracy or power to the people - it is all power to an autarchy of unaccountable conservative central bankers.
The colonies became enjoyed autarchy and autarky.
The simultaneous process of relaxing autarchy and rapprochement with the western democracies moved very slowly in the first half of the 1950s.
Some seamen came here, for no reason but that they were fellow Athenians, and, like sailors everywhere, democrats to whom an autarchy is odious.
Autarky is an economy that does no trade with the outside world.
Autarky can be defined as the quality of being self-sufficient.
Autarky, for Kjellén, was a solution to a political problem, not an economic policy in itself.
They are often portrayed as self-contained or Autarky.
Autarky is rare in the modern world.
Autarky exists whenever an entity can survive or continue its activities without external assistance.
Autarky is not necessarily economic.
After playing for a long period of time (the exact amount varies from game to game), a bug called Autarky sets in.
Opponents of Autarky:
Autarky was not merely a reaction to international isolation; it was also rooted in more than half a century of advocacy from domestic economic pressure groups.
Autarky : Coordination between enterprises from different sectors and ministries is notoriously poor in the Soviet Union.
Arms, Autarky and Aggression: A Study in German Foreign Policy, 1933-1939.
Proponents or Partial-Proponents of Autarky:
As markets began to replace the older forms of resource allocation such as Redistribution, Reciprocity and Autarky, society's overall level of food security would typically rise.
He suggested that the German economy needed to achieve Autarky (or self-sufficiency) and one of the main proponents behind this was I.G Farben.
Polanyi argued that these economic forms depended on the social principles of Centricity and Symmetry and Autarky (Self-Sufficiency).
He asserted that in a state of Autarky, which means the condition of self-sufficiency (absence of trade),the two sectors of an economy (agricultural and industrial) constitute markets for each other's products.
After the civil war the country endured 20 years of Autarky, as Franco believed that post World War II Spain could survive or continue its activities without any European assistance.
Autarky was, therefore, a central aim of Europe a Nation, with Africa retained in colonial status to serve the needs of the European people (explaining the occasional use of the term Eurafrika as an alternative name).
Autarky can be said to be the policy of a state or other entity when it seeks to be self-sufficient as a whole, but also can be limited to a narrow field such as possession of a key raw material.
Hitler never put his full support behind Autarky and aimed for the development of 'defence in breadth' which espoused the development of the armed forces in all areas and was not concerned with preparing the German economy for war.
In this period, and in part as a result of the economic changes brought about by Globalization, geopolitical strategy, military policy and domestic economic policy has become increasingly subject to the lobbying influence of major multinational firms, marginalizing proponents of Autarky across the political spectrum in many countries.