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There is no reason to question his general authorship, however.
Do you believe she was more interested in authorship than money?
The most likely date for the play's authorship may be 1630.
Only the first and second books can claim his authorship.
However, no other candidate for the authorship of the book has been put forward.
Like other kinds of popular culture, authorship is not important.
The precise authorship of a book is called a personal fact.
His authorship covers almost 50 years, from 1923 to 1970.
He is most well known for his authorship of Catholicism.
However, evidence of Shakespeare's authorship has also been found within the play.
She is best known today for her work on the Shakespeare authorship question.
There is no real evidence to support the authorship question, and yet over 5,000 books have been written on the subject.
There has been speculation about the authorship of the work.
Exactly what part each played in the authorship is unknown.
The authorship, however, has been the subject of some controversy.
The answer is authorship and the individual choices that go into every film.
So far as is known, only once did they share authorship over a sustained period.
He has yet to hear from anyone willing to claim authorship.
It may be used for family relationships, body parts, and authorship, among other things.
From 1943 he was mostly working at poetry and authorship.
He has also written a book on the Shakespeare authorship question.
What has come to be known as the "authorship question" dates back more than 150 years.
The play's date of authorship and early performance history is unknown.
This is probably due to the frequent changes in authorship.
Authorship of the hotel's design is not a new dispute.