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A motorcade (convoy, cavalcade, autocade) is a procession of vehicles.
A motorcade (or convoy, carcade, autocade) is a number of vehicles driving in the same direction on official business.
Autocade (Radar)
"Stay with me privately away from chariots my lovebird keep on our autocade into the cool bewildernesses of the Alps."
During the summer of 1955, the Hollywood Autocade opened in the La Monica with one-hundred famous and unusual cars, including Jack Benny's Maxwell and a Rumpler Drop Car.
Their third album The Italian Flag (1997) was an eclectic 13-track tour de force which saw Prolapse pick up significant radio play for the first time, particularly for the lead single "Killing The Bland" and its even more commercial-sounding follow-up "Autocade", though neither singles became hits.