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During the early years the government was autocratic in many ways.
But many parents said they found her cold and autocratic.
The government is communist in name only, kept as an autocratic means to hold on to power.
He was certainly autocratic, but she liked his relationship with Joe.
In the film, she played the role of an autocratic girl who hates men.
The first British documentary made inside one of the world's most autocratic states.
He also said that even junior members of a less autocratic House these days can have an impact.
But he also left little doubt about his intention to run things in an autocratic way.
Often, getting children to do homework requires the parents to take an autocratic position.
However, this only applies in the case of autocratic rule.
And in a democracy, autocratic campaigns work better than a democratic campaign.
Of course, it may be that under certain circumstances a more autocratic relationship is appropriate.
Autocratic leaders, whose power once seemed absolute, face greater challenges than ever.
The question is, what do you have if there are free elections and an autocratic party wins?
He was an autocratic ruler and very unpopular among the people.
It declared independence in 1991 but remains an autocratic state.
The old autocratic Mexico could have ordered these reforms from above.
Also many countries call themselves democracies, but behind the scenes have a more autocratic form of government.
It sounds more autocratic than Putin is supposed to be!
Through the decades, he maintained autocratic control over movie sets.
"I have to be autocratic, which is not a favorite word in the arts.
Behind his charm, there was also a man known for being autocratic and wanting total control.
For the moment, the general, despite his autocratic means, has the popular support to seek an end to political corruption.
Ramsey was an autocratic coach, or manager, as the English call the position.
Fire subjects are independent and prefer to have control over their own lives, but they can also be sometimes autocratic.
"There are no human rights under a dictatorial government," she said later.
She'd enjoyed talking to him earlier before he'd turned dictatorial.
Certainly his attitude was a more dictatorial one than it had been before.
However, they did so as an elected government rather than a dictatorial power.
There is nothing wrong with you being dictatorial under the current circumstances.
She was never dictatorial, but nobody could take advantage of her either.
She was having a very difficult time with her husband, who had a tendency to be nothing short of dictatorial.
The teachers called the board a dictatorial body that showed the union little respect.
"There will be a period when the Tigers run things in a dictatorial way," he said.
I have many faults but being dictatorial with friends is not among them.
Maybe I wasn't dictatorial enough in my role as editor.
What worried me was to live under a dictatorial system and foreign domination.
The days of the dictatorial and technocratic East are over.
He did not live to see the end of the Franco dictatorial regime.
Owners of no other professional sport have this dictatorial control.
His tone and manner were dictatorial, but Tom said nothing.
Outside my very home he seeks to impose his dictatorial ways.
She was a lean, yellow, dictatorial young person with no conversation.
Many found him dictatorial and hard to work with.
He takes a cool, understated approach, not at all dictatorial.
"The regime in the current phase is much less dictatorial," he said.
So much for the democratic consequence of this dictatorial treaty.
Dictatorial regimes cannot stand firm for long anywhere in the world.
His only interest, he says, is to strengthen a party whose hierarchy has become too dictatorial in its ways.