Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
For an average sized nation, Sweden has top results in many different sports.
The amount of energy produced per year would supply enough power for four average sized homes.
The stadium has an average sized parking lot on each side for the people coming to it.
For some, the object is an average sized person who grows to giant size.
A four ounce jar can typically cover an average sized body.
The 3-Act plays draw an average sized crowd and touches on many different subjects.
Leslie's one public school has an average sized graduating class, that ranges between 100 to 130 students.
Most people have, by definition, average sized hands.
An average sized jar of peanut butter contains about 550 peanuts.
He was depicted as an English average sized man with blonde hair and a large overbite.
This is an average sized junior school catering to pupils aged between 7-11 years.
Riot shields are almost exclusively long enough to cover an average sized man from the top of the head to the knees.
An above average sized mosque located at the south -east end of the village.
It also uses models with more average sized bodies to show off pieces of new collections and different styles that are in season.
The fairways are narrow, and the greens are average sized.
Average sized front garden and a large rear garden.
The industrial complex consists of 214 large and average sized industrial enterprises.
This was at an average sized spaceport, with the buildings in the far background and some cargo ships nearby.
I have fairly average sized hands, and it's a stretch to pull down the notification bar when used one-handed.
Most Staphyliniforms are small to average sized beetles.
Due to the state of the art in electronics at the time, this smart terminal was the size of an average sized office desk.
I drew a chair which was ergonomically eighteen inches from the ground and sketched an average sized person sitting on it.
in which his average sized wife talks about being married to a little person.
Newfield is a broadly average sized secondary school.
There is no reason why an average sized adult should not receive 24 to 30 thousand units intravenously in 24 hours.