In a few more days, his situation would no longer be a laughing matter.
To the President and his wife this was clearly no laughing matter.
But the interaction between Congress and science is no laughing matter, he added.
Don't understand the mental health problem or think it's a laughing matter.
For him, weight is no longer perhaps a laughing matter.
Design can't just be a laughing matter, or an intellectual one.
But it's clear that the war in this book is no laughing matter.
For men who are losing their hair, it is no laughing matter.
The perimeter around the place, though, was no laughing matter.
But the appearance in court is no laughing matter, as she found out.
Andrew says: 'It was a small affair with just family and a couple of close friends at our house.
The only scholarship possible in the Sophomore year was a very small affair.
They are a very small affair, when all is done.
My writing group has been talking about putting together a small affair for those of us who loved Susan.
Of course this battle was but a small affair, yet I think that few have been more terrible, at any rate in modern times.
It was a small, private affair - no more than 50 people, most of them family members.
But this is no time, Raoul, to talk of my small affairs.
"It should be a small affair, just 2,000 of my closest friends."
The whole thing was really quite a small affair from our point of view.
Most had some sort of waiting room, and also a siding, but were only small affairs.