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At the trough of the baby bust, in 1976, the average woman produced 1.7.
But the boom was followed by a baby bust.
Now the baby bust of the 1970's has cut that pool back.
These members of the "baby bust" seem to be rebelling against rebellion.
Scotland's baby bust is echoing noisily in the political system.
In 1973, the trough of the baby bust, births had fallen to 3.1 million.
The impact of what has become known in demographic circles as the "baby bust" was profound.
They point to the baby bust as evidence that the golden age of residential real estate, just ended, is unlikely to return.
"It's both the strength of the economy and the shift from baby boom to baby bust."
They were baffled by the first years of the baby bust, which brought a decline in births roughly from the mid-60's through the 70's.
And demographers can only guess about the behavior of the baby bust generation, which follows the boomers.
And it was before college-age baby boomers gave way to a baby bust.
This resulted in lower fertility rates, causing the Baby Bust.
It may also address whether and when China should move to a nationwide two-child policy to prevent a looming baby bust.
The reason for Japan's baby bust?
The baby bust generation, or Generation X, is the smallest of the last 50 years.
But the baby boom itself, and even the baby bust population, now often rejects those types of environments."
The postwar baby boom has entered what some call the postwar baby bust.
There's a baby bust following the baby boom and the flow of women into the work -force is slowing.
And there's no baby bust.
Right behind the seniors and the baby boomers come those of the so-called baby bust generation, those now 10 to 19 years old.
That age group also declined nationwide, reflecting the "baby bust" that followed the baby boom.
In 2002, 122,937 babies were born in the city, the lowest birth rate since the "baby bust" of the 1970's and early 80's.
Although the baby-boom generation was very big, the "baby bust" generation - kids born from about 1964 to 1975 - is very small.
The baby boom of the 1950's and 60's has been mirrored by the baby bust of more recent decades.