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They had such babyishly small voices that seldom said more than a few words at a time.
His shoulder twitched, one hand stirred babyishly.
She was muttering the rhyme now and her thumb was stuck babyishly in her mouth.
He jumped the queue at the ticket counter - his stub realized $I8- but he went on standing there in line, his head babyishly lolling with impatience, before he peeled off into the store-flanked tunnels.
Danny's face rose before him, not Danny's normal face, lively and alert, the eyes sparkling and open, but the catatonic, zombielike face of a stranger, the eyes dull and opaque, the mouth pursed babyishly around his thumb.
Clad in all black clothing, of the style which was practically de rigueur for a cowhand from Texas, except that his sharp toed boots had low heels, the most recent arrival upon the scene was tall, with a whipcord slender build and Indian dark, almost babyishly handsome features which made him appear very young.