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It will, however, continue to publish books on its backlist.
The company has a backlist of over 1,000 graphic novels.
More than 15 million copies have sold, making its backlist a literary oil well.
The company's backlist of previously published books has 13,000 titles.
"But all the time we were wondering if they just wanted our backlist.
Most current best sellers are there, but the backlist is highly arbitrary.
There's more to Dante than hell, but you'd never guess it from his backlist.
Nearly every large publishing complex in this country has its very own Shakespeare backlist.
"We have to maintain the momentum of the front list and build up a backlist," he said.
By contrast, backlist books usually have predictable sales and revenues.
The rest of the vast Waugh backlist also began to sell.
In 2001, its backlist contained over four hundred books.
On the other hand, I do a lousy job of self-marketing my backlist.
Some publishers also include backlist books; others feature a recently published title or two.
"But it just didn't have the muscle or the backlist to survive."
"It remains on our backlist for such a long period of time, we do quite well by it."
The books backlist has over 35,000 titles in print.
The backlist contains more than 350 works in paperback.
Since November 2005, the company has stopped publishing new works, although they continue to publish their backlist.
And that's because our strategy emphasizes a vast selection of backlist titles.
Most popular fiction, even big best sellers, doesn't have much of a backlist sales life.
But this year, he said, it sold more than $1 million of backlist titles.
And, under Nordstrom, the company developed the backlist that supports the division to this day.
Having digitized their backlist, they have made over 400 titles available electronically.
Your fans spread the word, and eventually your backlist reaches everyone else.