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Another client needed a backpack frame cut down to a smaller size.
They are stacked and carried on a backpack frame up to seven high.
They've got a little fitting in their backpack frame for the handle.
She caught him by his backpack frame and lifted him.
A heat pump, hooked to the thermoconductors and run off accumulators, was carried on a backpack frame.
These had straight sided backpack frames, vented gas caps, a cylinder sized regulator and a safety valve.
Still, one-man bands have a lot of innovations to their credit, said Gantenbein, including products like free-standing tents, internal backpack frames and mountain bikes.
He slipped on a backpack frame attached to the puppet and put a stick that controls the head into a pouch dangling from a tool belt around his waist.
In the 1960s, Tom Balding began working with metal as a teenager in Ontario, California, building such things as custom hot rods parts and aluminum backpack frames.
The contraption, with a backpack frame, is connected to a person's legs, using its own power source to move them without putting undue stress on the muscles of the human attached to it.
In Greenland, reindeer meat is commonly carried over the shoulders, possibly tied to a backpack frame, or carried on the back with support from a headband, the last being a method preferred by the Inuit.
Puzzled, Amy ran her eyes over the contents of the shelves; nothing there surely but Christmas ornaments, boxed games, lampshades, empty jars, young Peter's tenting and backpack frame, oddments of china set aside for a jumble.
When the gun was fully deployed the frame was laid on the ground, the gun's central mounting point that usually attached to a tripod now had a small mounting pin attached to it instead which was inserted into the mounting socket in the center of the wooden backpack frame and finally the bipod was folded forward.