Some people had the occasional bad-hair day; she'd had a bad-hair life.
A ponytail holder It's sometimes necessary on those bad-hair days.
And you're good-looking, even if you do seem to be having a permanent bad-hair day.
Then she saw that the cameras were pointed her way, and she was having a bad-hair day.
Ms. Conklin wore a chignon, but on one bad-hair day, rather than fighting to make her long hair stay up, she simply left it down.
Men were more likely than women to feel less capable, even dumber, on bad-hair days.
Want to put an end to bad-hair days?
"If you're having a bad-hair day, you wouldn't want to be driving this car," he said, alluding to the attention the electric-purple electric car attracted.
Driving under the influence of a bad-hair day.
Jt's going to be a bad-hair day, Matt Baker thought grimly.