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They hung on him somewhat baggily.
Khatib is a big man, but he used to be even bigger, and these days his clothes bunch baggily at his waist.
Her jacket hung baggily on her.
Stoop-shouldered, his clothes hanging baggily, he paced across the room, his chin deep in his hand.
It was gathered in at his waist by a belt Chain mail breeches covered his thighs and legs to the knees, baggily.
Richards selected an XL for its length and expected it to hang baggily on his frame, but it fit quite well.
His 5ft 10in and 13 stone are rather baggily proportioned and he has answered to 'The Whale'.
They drove between them-more salutes from baggily uniformed workers with shovels and yard-long Stilson wrenches.
His skin hung baggily about him, his legs wobbled, and his cheeks were furrowed by the tears so plentifully called forth by the Badger's moving discourse.
Malmordo's figure, clad baggily as at the Cafe de la Morte, seemed to grow right out of the grimy sidewalk and coil itself up the front steps.
His gaunt face, however, and his clothes, which hung so baggily over his shrivelled limbs, proclaimed what it was that gave him that senile and decrepit appearance.
The picture's plot sometimes hangs baggily around the characters, but the verve and intelligence of the cast are matched by Mr. Boorman's wily sense of craftsmanship (Scott).
Blue jumpsuits hung baggily from the men's thinned frames and sagged around their skeletal wrists as they waved hello to the friends and family who awaited their "return to Earth".
Whatever relief he'd felt moments before evaporated when he saw sitting at a back table against the wall Pearl Jenner and Guy Lin, who looked as miserable as ever in a loose suit that hung baggily on his thin shoulders.