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That you can't put a lawn sign on your property?
Lawn signs look bad and I have to wonder about their timing.
"We felt that lawn signs are not attractive," she said.
The ground is frozen, making the planting of lawn signs difficult.
She craned her neck around to see the lawn sign. is notable within the real estate industry for its use of a round lawn sign.
Lawn signed a deal to wipe out the club's debts.
The lawn signs on behalf of the two candidates seem to be everywhere.
Yet, finally, we see evidence that those armbands and lawn signs can make a difference.
Even the ubiquitous red, white and blue lawn signs had begun to disappear.
"I was wearing lawn signs from the Vallone campaign front and back," he says.
He did not purchase any advertisements, and his largest expense was lawn signs.
He even sent out tapes to candidates providing tips like how to use lawn signs.
Few bumper stickers or lawn signs can be found.
The landscape was not littered with presidential billboards and lawn signs.
Critics charge that "lawn signs don't vote" and dismiss the importance of them.
Lawn signs, bumper stickers and ribbons painted the area red.
Her outer office in Manhattan is piled high with wooden stakes for lawn signs.
If the election could be won by lawn signs, he would be a shoo-in.
Lawn signs are usually the responsibility of the home owner, and in many areas there is a time limit on how long they can stay up.
He said it was conducting "community canvassing" and put up lawn signs only with the homeowners' permission.
Most striking, it's clear that the cease-fire was a consequence of all those armbands and lawn signs.
Tour buses, TV commercials and lawn signs cost a pretty penny.
Billboards, lawn signs, direct mailings and leaflets are a good way to get the word out.
Another big difference is the lawn signs.
Now, let's get out there and put up some yard signs.
The real proof is that we can't keep enough yard signs.
She hammers her own campaign yard signs into the dirt.
"I brought back 200 yard signs in my trunk."
Clover campaign is a term commonly used with yard signs.
Meanwhile, religious groups are distributing yard signs and building grass-roots support.
Ali placed one of his campaign yard signs next to Truett and took a picture.
Ms. Miller's husband paid $50 for a used power saw at a garage sale to make yard signs.
But if they carry those yard signs at a rally, he said, they are violating the law.
A common type of yard sign frame is the "H frame".
Do-it-yourselfers were hard to find among the classified ads and makeshift yard signs.
A prime seat was earned through phone calls, door-knocking, planting yard signs.
He pursued an aggressive door-to-door strategy that put up countless green yard signs.
The volunteers are more concerned with meeting their quotas of yard signs and bumper stickers.
There are multiple ways candidates can increase their name recognition during the campaign such as radio and television advertisements or yard signs.
He knocked on doors and posted yard signs, helping his father capture the seat that Frank would later win himself.
Yards throughout the small, middle class district are pocked with red and white yard signs that read: "Vote yes for our kids.
Supporters have put up 2,000 yard signs.
Mrs. Dewey takes yard signs to people and gives out bumper stickers.
There are some residential areas that have ordinances prohibiting any posting of yard signs.
Getting in the spirit of things, high school students took down both sides' yard signs and created a little sign forest in the football field.
In running for office, politicians routinely spend thousands of dollars on campaign mailings, yard signs and phone banks.
Yard signs and billboards are as common as dandelions.
The campaign workers, they said, misrepresented the forms as requests for sample ballots or permission to plant a yard sign.
"Support Our Troops," reads the yard sign in front of the torpedo by the front door.
Lawn signs (also known as yard signs, bandit signs, placards, and road signs, among other names) are used for local advertising.
The Bandits signed a record deal with Warners and released a succession of singles throughout 2002 and 2003, before releasing their only album 'And They Walked Away'.
Outside Room 1117, there was a placard with her name.
He brought out the placard, which was quite a work of art.
He would have known even if it hadn't been for the placard.
"Come to think of it, I did see your placard on the door."
She had a placard on the end of a stick.
"It's not like we can all go over there with placards and say, do something."
The enemy was a line of five women in their 60's with placards.
One man held up a placard as he bowed his head.
Comments to the table placard "have to say a word to you from me."
There was a small wooden placard in front of the house on the road.
We don't hold up placards telling the audience what to do.
Here in 1614 he developed the use of painted placards.
The only problem was, from even a few yards away, the placards were impossible to read.
Neither tried to compensate him for the placards, he said.
The police said some of the women carried protest placards.
The others dropped their placards and fled down the street.
The students, many of them carrying placards, were joined by some parents and teachers.
He tucked the rest of the placards under his arm and started out.
The old woman's placard read, "Put science back in education."
A placard is a sign made to inform people about something.
He then held up a large white placard that was completely blank.
She wears a big placard which says: "Give my children back to me!"
A week ago 300,000 had taken to the streets, but with only a handful of placards.
A sign placard indicates the site of the former town.
Placards to actual themes of that time were also made.
Road signs are going up in the area - often for the first time.
However, road signs did not go up until the following year.
A road sign of any kind might be useful right now.
Now they had been taken down, not only the Army's but everyone else's road signs.
There are also very few road signs so it's easy to get lost.
At first he thought it was a road sign or some sort of post.
"So all we have to do is follow those road signs."
Then I saw another vision; it was a road sign.
Officials here have vowed to put up new road signs.
There is still a road sign on the B4113 indicating this.
In July 2008, a second set of road signs appeared.
Three months ago $100 million passed like a road sign on the interstate.
By a narrow bridge we saw a road sign I took to heart.
Those who cannot read the language will have trouble understanding road signs.
That was pretty evident just by looking at the road signs.
The problem with the unknown was its lack of road signs.
The conversion of road signs took place in July 1974.
This makes it seem little more than a sequence of road signs.
There was a main drag outside but no road signs.
There are no road signs and a mountain range is ahead of us.
On a road sign, say, or in a publication for the general reader?
We aren't going to find any road signs out here."
The seal is on road signs and all town documents.
Green road signs flashed by, much too fast to make out.
"Looking back, there were a couple of road signs that we missed."
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