"bang" in Polish — inglés-Polish dictionary | Mirar "bang" in inglés

bang **

the image to "bang" in Polish
  1. huk, trzask [COUNTABLE]
    The door slammed shut with a loud bang.
    Did you hear this loud bang?
    His car crashed into a tree with a bang.
  2. walnięcie, huknięcie (gdy ktoś się uderzy lub uderzy kogoś) [COUNTABLE]
    He's hit him so hard, you could hear the bang.
    She hit him and the bang was so hard that he fell.
  3. numerek, stosunek (seks) informal [COUNTABLE]
    It was only a bang, nothing serious.
    I asked her for a quick bang.
  1. walnąć, rąbnąć, huknąć, walić [TRANSITIVE/INTRANSITIVE]
    His heart was banging uncontrollably.
    He accidentally banged his head against the lamp.
    He's annoying, bang him.
    link synonyms: hammer, pound
  2. trzasnąć (np. oknem, drzwiami) [TRANSITIVE/INTRANSITIVE]
    He banged the door on his way out.
    He banged the window to show his anger.
  3. dmuchnąć, wyruchać, puknąć (odbyć z kimś stosunek seksualny) taboo [TRANSITIVE]
    I won't forgive you that you banged my sister.
    He said that he could bang any girl from my class.
  4. przywalić spoken [TRANSITIVE]
    He banged me for laughing at his girlfriend.
    I would bang him if I were you.
  1. dokładnie, wprost

Frases relacionadas — "bang"

banger BrE formal , beater AmE informal = gruchot, rzęch, grat (o starym samochodzie)
banger = gangster +6 significados
phrasal verb
banged up = ranny, zraniony (fizycznie), poobijany, obtłuczony +1 significado