Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
Our basic tasks will be the same no matter where we land.
But basic tasks like that are only half the story.
In serving these basic tasks the system has done well.
The most basic task in each mission is to maintain the city.
For him, eating is a basic task, rather like breathing.
The robots could help them with basic tasks inside the house.
Back to top Assists with basic tasks related to office support services.
Common basic tasks may include any of the following: - Answer patients' call signals.
You had to use several function keys to get the computer to do the most basic tasks.
Where these systems start to disappoint is if you do more than the most basic tasks.
Scheduling hours to be worked is one of the most basic tasks for managers.
There's no fiddling necessary to do all of these basic tasks.
We turn the most basic tasks into knowledge work.
IT is one of a manager's most basic tasks: helping employees improve their performance.
Tests may use numbers, symbols, or even sounds, but the basic task has the same concept.
This, it seems to us, should imply the accomplishment of the following basic tasks.
These all perform basic tasks helping the viewer in understanding the world.
Some basic tasks can be done from the MC-808 without the need for the editor program.
Professional services are also offered for the basic tasks.
There are differences in the ways various search engines work, but they all perform three basic tasks.
Today's personal computers and operating systems, programs that handle a computer's basic tasks, were not designed with security in mind.
As time goes on, it gets harder to do the basic task of looking after yourself, like washing and dressing.
Most of the kids struggled with even the most basic tasks.
Without his master's continuous coordination however he can only complete basic tasks.
Combat tasks are resolved using the basic task resolution system.