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Desserts using this fruit include bavarois and, combined with apples, a strudel.
(The blue cheese bavarois - alone worth the price of business class on Qantas - is impossible).
Unmould the bavarois and place on the sauce.
For pudding we shared an amaretto cheese cake and a roasted apple bavarois.
Then there are three forms of pain d’epice, the French gingerbread: a bavarois, a crumble and a tuile.
The fresh fruit tart and the cranberry vanilla bavarois were adequate but patently commercial.
Finish with the goat's cheese bavarois and palm sugar berries, and dream of your own sea change.
Desserts Banana Bavarois with caramelised bananas in a dark rum and vanilla syrup.
Sea urchin bavarois.
Favorites include bavarois of tomatoes with goat cheese and duck breast confit with Provencal herbs.
He effortlessly produced a bavarois whips and showing that it is possible to make meringue from egg white when some yolk is present.
No siren call of trifle, raspberry bavarois, or rhubarb crumble can deter me from ordering summer pudding during its short season.
Specialties: fresh duck foie gras; steak au poivre; passion-fruit Bavarois.
The milk used to make the custard for a bavarois should be infused with a Vanilla Pod for extra fragrance.
A dessert of white and dark chocolate bavarois was then served, along with a cheese plate, coffee and mints and port or brandy.
A pumpkin and ginger yoghurt bavarois was wonderful, a strong, sweet, densely orange and nicely gelatinous fez.
Individual Orange & Grand Marnier Bavarois with Candied Kumquats.
We ended with a refreshing assemblage of melon and wild strawberries decorating a vanilla bavarois dressed with cinnamon spiced wine sauce.
It balances salty and sweet ingredients, as does Mr. Blumenthal's bavarois of butternut squash with goat's milk ice cream.
Other dishes were simply strange, with a gelatinous artichoke bavarois and a citrus sorbet with an odd and unappealing texture.
Compote of dried fruits poached in brandy syrup served warm with a vanilla bavarois in a brandy snap basket.
She is a pink-and-red colored bird, the Queen of the Bavarois Kingdom, which is south of Palmier.
Les Bavarois éloignent le danger, mais les joueurs de Dortmund récupèrent le ballon.
The first thing I made from this book was Bavarois a l'Orange - its subtitle was Orange Bavarian Cream - a cold dessert.
But his raspberry bavarois, though soft with a cloyingly sweet chocolate mixture, was fine, and two of three times the orange cake with papaya coulis was pleasant.
I didn't blame him; the bavaroise is a wonderful way to end a meal.
"Don't have that," the man next to me said one night as his wife ordered the bavaroise of yogurt and rhubarb.
Sauce Bavaroise is hollandaise with added cream, horseradish, and thyme.
One choice from the current dessert card is maple walnut bavaroise with chocolate-Bourbon sauce.
A poached pear filled with a bavaroise (a light custard) of caramel.
I would skip the Bavaroise, which delivered more flour and gelatin than chocolate, and concentrate on the other three.
Bavaroise of pear, though, was inexplicably tasteless.
Try instead the chewy hazelnut torte with banana ice cream or the intense cantaloupe bavaroise.
On the lighter side, try the dollops of white and chocolate mousse or the plump raspberries topped with a silky bavaroise.
La défense bavaroise était moins en vue.
Over the candle tips and the bavaroise au chocolat, his eyes, empty of their customary humor, fixed themselves on Connie with an almost stricken gaze.
Obatzt Is/Crème Bavaroise (feat.
Other options are the towering bavaroise (gelatin-thickened custard cake) in a pool of fresh raspbery puree or the fine assortment of regional cheeses.
The drop-front style became so popular in the 18th century that it was known in France as à la bavaroise, "in the Bavarian style."
What may well be the world's mellowest crunchy Mississippi pecan pie does not seem out of place alongside an equally exceptional Grand Marnier Bavaroise.
Spelling Help for Chefs Need to spell creme froide de concombres, creme bavaroise or creme patissiere?
Mr. Gonzales's bavaroise of artichokes is a gorgeous still life, an entire artichoke spread open and draped with herbs so that it looks like a giant sea anemone.
Desserts still excel, whether it is the sublime sugar-dusted chocolate cake, the luxurious Grand Marnier bavaroise, the rich chef's custard or the crusty pecan pie.
It includes small portions of sacher cake, chocolate mousse, chocolate bavaroise and a chocolate madeleine in a pool of chocolate creme anglaise.
On the Tahra label, Erik Then-Bergh recorded it with Rafael Kubelik and Orchestre Symphonique de la Radio Bavaroise.
Try the fluffy pineapple mille-feuille with drippings of caramel sauce, pear tart with orange rind garnish, strawberry bavaroise filled with ripe berries, and luxuriant chocolate mousse cake.
The fruit plate includes a cream puff filled with fresh blueberries and whipped cream, a slice of fruit tart, chocolate-dipped strawberries and a fruit-flavored bavaroise served on a strawberry puree.
This may not be crucial because it is best to use a search or find command and give a reliable fragment (like 'bav" to find bavaroise), rather than, say, to scroll and scroll.
Not far away, the Brasserie la Bavaroise serves a fine French meal -- the duck with three delicately spiced fruit sauces was excellent -- for about $35 a person, including Moroccan wine.
Bavarian cream, Crème bavaroise or simply Bavarois is a dessert similar to pastry cream but thickened with gelatin or isinglass instead of flour or cornstarch, and sometimes flavoured with liqueur.
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