Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
In 1960, new information about the case came to light.
Nothing in the way of a special power came to light.
Later, when questions started to be asked, things would start to come to light.
Maybe it would make sense later, when other information came to light.
But in the end, the truth will finally come to light.
The name of this woman has not yet come to light.
During this time, more information about his past was coming to light.
It is sometimes one of the first to come to light.
I thought one would come to light when he died.
But here is what has come to light on some of the key points.
By the first scene, real time and place come to light.
These are only those cases that have come to light.
Once again, action was taken when that came to light.
The longer you look, though, the more differences come to light.
This problem came to light during the beginning of the war.
Two training books have also come to light this month.
Little of a personal nature has come to light about his later years.
"Sometimes it takes a number of years before the real bad stuff comes to light."
I went to see him after the events of last May came to light.
So far, no evidence that this was the case has come to light.
The investment, made three years ago, has only now come to light.
But, when the matter came to light, it was put right immediately.
In fact, it's coming to light that no two are the same.
Or perhaps some other letter that had yet to come to light?
They fly by day, but also sometimes come to light at night.
"You have so many different issues that are brought to light."
The cause of the alarm would be brought to light soon enough.
Their case was brought to light by Swedish television in 2004.
It seems some new evidence has been brought to light."
It was the first fossil of this nature that had ever been brought to light.
As a result several other similar cases were brought to light, but none led to conviction.
However, nothing definite was brought to light till after the war.
Some lawmakers believe the role those houses played should be brought to light.
Where mistakes have been made, they must be brought to light and corrected.
There is much more that has not yet (deliberately) been brought to light.
He said the grand jury began its investigation after problems with the program were brought to light by county officials.
I believe there are facets of this issue that should be brought to light.
Ceramic finds have been brought to light from this time, as well.
In the interest of public justice, I felt that the box should be brought to light."
But when, at last, they were told they could go, no new information had been brought to light.
The racket was brought to light and arrests were made.
No literary texts of any length have yet been brought to light.
It is excellent that these deficiencies are being brought to light, but something also needs to be done about them.
Their efforts, however, were brought to light as he was being released to the Italian ambassador.
What I do not know should properly be brought to light by your wisdom."
The marble portions of the statue were brought to light in 1487.
This matter has still not been cleared up and therefore it is good that these incidents are being brought to light.
But I had been too long in the king's employment not to have remarked how strangely things are brought to light.
At last a third tin was brought to light.
Evidence has now been brought to light that puts the Indians' experiences in a very different context.