"be stuck" in Polish — inglés-Polish dictionary | see "be stuck" in inglés

be stuck

the image to "be stuck" in Polish
  1. utknąć
    to be unable to move
the image to "stick" in Polish stick tongue the image to "stick" in Polish the image to "stick" in Polish Stick and Leaf Insects - Order Its 'Recycled' Chopsticks. Love Chopsticks.jpg Chopsticks Dita Exa 500 Hockey stick red-lipstick.jpg
Irregular forms: stuck past tense, stuck past participle
  1. przyklejać, naklejać [TRANSITIVE/INTRANSITIVE]
    I forgot to stick a stamp on the letter.
    Put these papers into the envelope and stick a stamp.
    The label won't stick.
  2. wbijać, wtykać, wpychać [TRANSITIVE/INTRANSITIVE]
    Stick this pin into the notice board.
    The boy stuck his finger into the girl's eye.
  3. wetknąć, wcisnąć (coś gdzieś) [TRANSITIVE]
    He stuck the book on the shelf.
    Don't stick your hands in there!
    Stick the map into my bag.
  4. wystawić (np. język), wychylić (np. głowę skądś) [TRANSITIVE]
    Do not stick your tongue out, it's rude.
    He kept sticking his head out of the car window, so I yelled at him.
  5. kleić się, lepić się, lgnąć, przywierać [INTRANSITIVE]
    Beeswax sticks to everything.
    My slippers stick to the floor.
    link synonym: glue
  6. osiadać, pozostawać (np. śnieg)
  1. kij, rózga (do bicia) [COUNTABLE]
    I think that you'll get a stick instead of a present this year.
    I saw a boy hitting a dog with a stick.
  2. patyk, gałąź [COUNTABLE]
    He drew a picture with a stick.
    She threw a stick for her dog to fetch.
  3. pałeczka (np. do perkusji), laska (np. do chodzenia) [COUNTABLE]
    He walks with a stick.
    My grandpa needs a stick in order to walk.
    I've lost my drum sticks.
  4. pałeczka, patyczek (coś o podłużnym kształcie) [COUNTABLE]
    You have to eat sushi with sticks.
    I've lost my drum sticks.
    consulta también: chopsticks
  5. kij (np. do hokeja) [COUNTABLE]
    He has a lucky hockey stick, he has never lost a game with it.
    If you want to play polo, you need a stick.
    consulta también: hockey stick
  6. sztyft (np. z klejem, szminką) [COUNTABLE]
    How much does this glue stick cost?
    She bought a lip balm in a stick.
    consulta también: lipstick
  7. bierka [COUNTABLE]
    I lost too many sticks, we can't play pick-a-stick.
    Let's play sticks.
  8. samochód z manualną zmianą biegów  AmE informal
    Teach him how to drive a stick.
    He has never had a stick.
  9. skrzynia biegów (manualna) informal
    The repair of the stick in my car cost me a thousand dollars.
    Can you teach me how to use the stick?
  10. nudziarz, smętek informal
    He was such a stick that despite all my effort I couldn't really find a topic to talk with him about.
    Your brother is such a stick, he never goes to parties.
  11. patyk (skręt z marihuaną) slang
    We were sitting until 4 a.m., smoking sticks, and playing PES.
    Is this a stick or a simple cigarette?
  12. kostka (masła)
    Put the stick of butter back into the fridge.
    You need fresh vegetables, meat and a stick of butter to cook this.
    "Stick" określa kostkę masła o wadze ok. 115 gramów.
  13. laska
    He has trouble walking without a stick.
    She has a white stick because she's blind.
  14. krytyka  BrE informal [UNCOUNTABLE]
    We're going to get a lot of stick for this article.
  1. zablokowany (np. o oknie), zatrzymany, utknięty, zaklinowany
    The window is stuck. Can you fix it?
    Traffic is stuck because of an accident.
    I fell into a hole and I'm stuck.
  1. utknąć (np. w korku ulicznym)
  2. zacinać się