Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
She's more concerned about the way culture is bedazzled by youth.
You even had Eleanor bedazzled in front of my very nose.
Even in an age bedazzled by rankings, surely we can do better than that.
"With your mind bedazzled, perhaps we should work on your body."
Perhaps she was not as completely bedazzled as they'd thought.
"Your eyes are still bedazzled from the drug, love.
But something in the curling light about the pillars bedazzled our eyes to anything which lay beyond.
From then on, he tried not to bedazzle.
The Fitzgerald parents were a bit bedazzled by their big Hollywood break.
She accepted his offer with that smile that bedazzled him.
"He wanted to overwhelm, bedazzle you with what he could do."
Magicians used to bedazzle the public with these books but at some point discovered they could make more money selling them.
Only for a moment did that bedazzle me.
For 41 sold-out nights, his Kings will have bedazzled this town.
Great, I thought, blowing my nose, they sent some pretty cowboy to bedazzle the city ladies.
Yet tonight, he stood baffled and equally bedazzled by the beautiful woman beside him.
They are emblazoned all over with cartoon eyes bedazzled by little colored bubbles.
She is busy searching out those innocents who were bedazzled by bananas and more back then.
But it was no more than woman's inborn witchery she had, as power to bedazzle men.
"The purpose is not the senses to bedazzle, but to advance the pellet."
Or bedazzle them with witchcraft if they refuse to obey you?"
That for a moment you were bedazzled by something you cannot explain and Richmond was out of your sight?
"People chose to overlook the risks because they were bedazzled by the technology and the promoters or sponsors."
He wrote that at its best, Palio's food "could bedazzle."