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A bedraggled but very pretty little girl opened the door.
Not someone I wanted to see in my present bedraggled condition.
Several of the men standing there were a lot more bedraggled than he was.
Next to her was a pale woman with long bedraggled hair.
I try to order my beaten and bedraggled body back into action.
The next scene showed the two back on their feet, bedraggled but moving better.
My childhood was a happy one in its own bedraggled way.
With those words was a picture of a bedraggled tiger.
More than anything in the world, she wanted the love of this tired, bedraggled boy who had become a man.
She'd had a hard night, too, judging from the bedraggled look of her.
A couple of hours later, sweaty and bedraggled, we got there.
He stood looking down at the two bedraggled children with folded arms.
A bedraggled sofa was along the other wall, and a closed door led to the room in back.
In the strange evening light he had looked like a bedraggled bird.
He was about the most bedraggled and beat-up thing she'd ever seen.
I pulled out the little bedraggled corpse and carried him home.
In all, a sort of bedraggled look takes over.
For all I know, even the little bedraggled servant girl might be one of their agents.
They no longer looked like tired, bedraggled scientists and crew members.
Many of those who live in the city's more bedraggled neighborhoods say they have already seen some improvements.
He pulled the horse's bedraggled lead rope up from the ground.
Jill was too bedraggled to blush or even to care.
It, too, was somewhat bedraggled as a result of their recent adventures.
They were followed by the others, survivors, looking utterly bedraggled.
The Doctor took the bedraggled paper with a rueful face.