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Move your bedtime back by 15 minutes every three to four days.
I half expected him to tell me a bedtime story.
He used to tell his young daughter a bedtime story every night.
The kids still want to stay up past their bedtime.
They let me in to see her just before bedtime.
Bedtime came, and no one made a move to go.
He looked more like an old man up well past his bedtime.
My father used to read them to me every night at bedtime.
And almost every night for more than a year, someone has read her a bedtime story.
I have a friend on the way over, and she'll look after me until bedtime.
During the week the only thing we do every day is the reading of the bedtime story.
But some bedtime books are about more than going to bed.
He read it to her every night as a bedtime story.
Do not take it at bedtime or while you are still in bed.
Its been 9 months and he still takes it at bedtime.
She had been the star of many a bedtime story.
Do not eat late at night, or just before bedtime.
Tell us the truth, and I'll come read to you every night at bedtime.
And you know, it turned out to be a pretty good bedtime story, after all.
I come up behind them to check in about bedtime.
That is the bedtime story my mother made up for me.
For this reason, do not take it right before bedtime.
"Remember when I used to tell you stories at bedtime?"
A month and a half after our bedtime conference, I was ready.
After a couple hours of this it was his bedtime.