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At its place you can find the university apiary now.
Levin stopped in the middle of the apiary without calling to him.
"I ought to know that an apiary is a bee house."
Reece ran cattle and kept an apiary on the land.
Most of the people who stop here think that an apiary is a place where apes live."
Whereas I'm sure, quite certain, that I recognized an apiary.
From a young age, Edwin learned how to keep bees and produce honey in the family's apiary.
Soon, the sugar attracts bees from a local apiary.
The cemetery also hosts a community garden and apiary.
Generally, the more diverse a forage area is, the better for a stationary apiary.
White sweet clover is a major source of nectar for an apiary.
A good rule of thumb is to have no more than 25-40 hives in a permanent apiary.
Known to fans as the Apiary, it opened in 1994 and seats 15,411 fans.
Fine was curious and began watching him through the glass wall separating the experimental apiary from the lab.
Not so much for farming as for a place for his apiary.
"And the honey is from my own apiary.
Treat all hives in an apiary at the same time to avoid robbing behaviour.
An apiary may have other hive management objectives including queen rearing and mating.
He turned it into an apiary of 200 hives which was so successful he earned enough to buy his parents a home.
The band formed in 2007 from the ashes of tech metal band Apiary.
But the apiary had been destroyed.
Apiary A place where honeybees are kept.
Assembled is a pioneer farmstead, with an array of buildings, including a smokehouse and an apiary.
'If we're going to the apiary, it's here, down this path,' he said, addressing everyone.
For instance if a province contains fertile soil, an apiary can be built in that province.
"It's going to be a long afternoon in the bee yard, dude."
"It's one of two friends," he said, "The only other real friend in the bee yard is the smoker."
A location where bees are kept is called an apiary or "bee yard".
Sections of the hollow trees were set upright in "bee yards" or apiaries.
An apiary (also known as a bee yard) is a place where beehives of honey bees are kept.
I hadn't been out to the hives before, so to start off she gave me a lesson in what she called "bee yard etiquette."
The dots, which looked like a cluster of sheep, were a bee yard, a circle of 40 hives, or about three million bees.
The maximum size of a permanent apiary or bee yard may depend on the type of bee as well.
Sail On Honeybee: Adventures in Bee Yard"
August and Zach had already extracted most of the honey from her bee yards, but there were still several stacks of supers on pallets sitting around.
On our first Friday evening there, after prayers were finished and orange and pink swirls still hung in the sky from sunset, I went with August to the bee yard.
She reminded me that the world was really one big bee yard, and the same rules worked fine in both places: Don't be afraid, as no life-loving bee wants to sting you.
Beekeepers find increased vandalism of their hives, more difficulty in finding locations for bee yards, and more people inclined to sue the local beekeeper if they are stung, even if it is by a yellow jacket.
When a colony is dying, for whatever cause, and there are other healthy colonies nearby (as is typical in a bee yard), those healthy colonies often enter the dying colony and rob its provisions for their own use.
This year, he will be developing new bee yards on farms and estates in the area, and making beeswax candles, cosmetics and other products by hand to sale at farm stands and at the Sag Harbor Farmers' Market, which opens for the season on June 3.
Nuñez used the Lanier family, a third-generation beekeeping family in Wewahitchka, Florida as "bee consultants" for the film; the Lanier family swamp lands and bee yards served as filming locations, with some members of the family appearing as extras in the film.
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