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What is going to be the situation on the beef market?
And so we're working hard to get that beef market opened up."
There were deep worries about devastation in the beef market.
I do not believe that this information should damage consumer confidence and thus the beef market.
It is quite true that the Commission intends to help stimulate the beef market.
There are also worries about the overall beef market.
Respect for these conditions is indispensable to restoring order and certainty to the beef market.
Many said they knew of bigger fortunes made or lost in bull markets like the beef market of 1979.
The beef market has virtually collapsed in extensive areas of the European Union.
These announcements spread panic amongst consumers and the beef market collapsed.
There has been an EU attempt to intervene in problems of the beef markets.
Jussara is a major producer of cattle for the beef market.
The beef market is now open.
Is it wise to renationalise the beef market?
For those of you who do not realise it, this is an attack on the high-quality end of our beef market.
Firstly, which short-term measures must we adopt in order to restore some measure of stability to the beef market?
I know that my package of proposals designed to remedy the problems in the beef market is the subject of controversy.
The beef market hasn't exactly been booming.
Just as the Administration was selling high in the oil market, she said, it was buying low in the beef market.
These agreements were made within the context of low prices in the beef market as a result of the crisis in the sector.
The listing of antibiotics and stimulants that might have been administered would, if adopted, create a two-tier beef market.
The EU beef markets were shaken when mad cow disease made an appearance and became publicly known.
Today we have come so far that we are now already in a position to discuss reopening beef markets in the Union.
The effect has been documented or alleged in domains as diverse as book sales, beef markets, and election voting.
The two men con- - 139 tinue debating the rise in the beef market.