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My best friend had always been a big Star Trek fan and it seemed a befitting name.
Hence Urmia simply means 'Watertown" - a befitting name for a city situated by a lake and surrounded by rivers, would be the cradle of water.
It feels almost too confining to place Zivkovic's work in the category of speculative fiction, but until our limited language can generate a more befitting name for his genre, the classification will have to do.
Don Juan used to call them "las hermanitas," the little sisters, a most befitting name at least for the two I had met, Lidia and Rosa, two wispy, pixie-like, charming young women.
His father, Jim Beauchamp, was a major league ballplayer, a reputed tough out, even a onetime member of the Cincinnati Reds, who gave his son a befitting name for the financial scores that awaited his generation's players.
This is the haunt of the Natterjack toad, a protected and endangered species with the delightful and befitting name of Bufo Calamita - certainly it would be a calamity if it were to become extinct.
Mr. Gold, who brought to No-Limit Texas Hold'em his aggressive, talkative style - and his befitting name - chalked it up to his new status as a poker celebrity, which is bound to grow as ESPN broadcasts replays of the tournament through Sept. 26.