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I would make a good beggarwoman.
Then it was blood and fire all over again, and at the end of it she was a beggarwoman.
I had once seen an old woman buried--"Old Nan," the beggarwoman.
Mary Docherty, Irish beggarwoman; also known as Margery Campbell (-)
The legend says that the 15th Earl of Shrewsbury was cursed by an old beggarwoman to suffer a death in the family every time a branch fell from the old oak tree.
Brassai recorded not only the gas-lit boulevards and empty gardens of picturesque Paris but also the city's seamier side: a stylized orgy, a homeless beggarwoman, the grim walls of a prison.
Near that window stood a church warden paying no attention to the service and loudly reproving a deaf, half-witted beggarwoman in a voice as flat and commonplace as the window and the street.
A beggarwoman told her to mark how they slept, and then the youngest, who slept with her hands in her lap, was ill-fated, and her fate kept her sisters from being married.
A wind picks up, causing the drapes to billow, and the ghostly cursing of the beggarwoman can be heard, along with the loud crash of a falling branch and the sound of horse's hooves.
Indeed he approached the vagrants with feelings of reverence and holy fear; their very names seem more awe-inspiring than feudal titles: The Old Cumberland Beggar, The Pedlar, The Discharged Soldier, the Female Vagrant and The Beggarwoman.
He used to enjoy amusing himself with a beggarwoman who had not had a bit to eat in three days, and his second passion is to leave a woman to die of hunger in a dungeon; he keeps a close watch upon her and frigs himself while examining her, but does not discharge until the day she perishes.