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Maybe they believe they're doing the right thing, though belatedly.
So the Met has, however belatedly, taken on an important challenge.
Now he was back, and belatedly the meeting could take place, once everybody got here.
Belatedly, he had come to realize his father was right.
Belatedly thinking that there had been something new in his eyes, maybe.
Now, he belatedly tried to catch their high school years.
In recent weeks, the Bush administration began, belatedly, to edge toward taking action.
Federal officials seem to have belatedly come to the same conclusion.
Belatedly she tried to take in the rest of the bridge.
I should have brought something for the kid, Miles decided belatedly.
Belatedly, although not too late, Russia is also being brought into the process again.
I had belatedly realized her name was not on the dead list.
It was a bad mistake as I've found out belatedly.
I should never have come to the hall, he realized belatedly.
He now belatedly called the director, and was given the explanation.
Belatedly, he remembered the role he'd decided to play with her.
Then, belatedly, he remembered what the medical team had told him: they needed information about human.
Miles realized belatedly that he, not a part of either group, was thus left alone.
A week later, on June 4, the committee belatedly held a meeting that got down to business.
Conservation came, belatedly, only after an order from a Federal judge.
This is a crime for which he must now, belatedly, stand trial.
It opened a whole new world for her, she had belatedly realized.
It came to him belatedly that the voice was never Charlie's.
She had, he belatedly saw, a knife in her right hand.
They both looked at him belatedly, as if just now remembering he was there.