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Other dogs ran free, playing with one another, or behaving bellicosely.
He was as bellicosely jealous of Gordon's attention as a favorite wolfhound.
The hellephant sucked wind, choked, then farted bellicosely from both ends, clearing its tubes.
Nishikanta bellicosely shouldered his vast bulk up to the captain, opened his shirt, and exposed his revolver.
I find it quite odd that those who dig the whole Jesus thing the most are, by and large, the ones who froth most bellicosely for more war in the Middle East.
With a reliance on Prada nylon jackets and $100 sneakers, it is "poverty de luxe," to use a term Paul Poiret once employed to bellicosely describe the understated clothes of Coco Chanel.
What the Red Raiders have grasped, however, are the hallmarks of Knight-coached teams: a premium on suffocating man-to-man defense, a dizzying motion offense and rules that are strictly, and often bellicosely, enforced.
Ironically, by refusing to engage constructively in the budget negotiations and objecting bellicosely to the initial agreement, conservatives opted out of the governing coalition and ceded their seats at the bargaining table to their adversaries.
They proved that a seal pup could swim or not swim at birth by stating the proposition very bellicosely and then following it up with an attack on the opposing man's judgment, common sense, nationality, or past history.
President Bush said it was "very disturbing" that Iraqi soldiers had twice bellicosely turned back United Nations inspectors trying to investigate machinery at a site near Baghdad that the United States believes is being used to make nuclear weapons.
It opened by taking the bull by the horns and stating somewhat bellicosely that Britain owed her rise to greatness and her security through the centuries to sea-power; so any suggestion that the Royal Navy should be reduced to an inferior status was unthinkable.