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He stopped to think for a second and shook his head bemusedly.
"People came in off the streets," she said a little bemusedly.
And they bemusedly admire Peter's company, which he started last summer.
He stared at her and then shook his head bemusedly.
He stared around bemusedly at the scene of normal human activity.
Bemusedly, he looked upon the outside world once again.
That almost happened to me once, he thought bemusedly.
Then, for a while, their conversation broke down and they gazed into each other's eyes bemusedly.
He blinked at her bemusedly, and wondered if she had gone mad.
"Someone on the tour asked me how long this house had been finished," he recalled bemusedly.
Rather bemusedly, she agreed to be his agent for the task of distribution.
She had agreed, bemusedly, to take my words under advisement.
At her nod, he extended his arm and she took it, still bemusedly watching him.
She looked down bemusedly at the dark ground and wondered vaguely why the stars were below her.
I should have become a rabbi, like my father wanted, Saul thought bemusedly.
Kimber's dark eyes opened and stared up at them bemusedly.
He went to the door, glancing bemusedly at the carving knife.
She pushed him aside, and he lay blinking bemusedly up at her.
Kira looked at her and, after a moment, smiled bemusedly.
"There are quite a few people down there," she said bemusedly.
Gina sat down on the arm of the couch, shaking her head bemusedly.
Judy, who had been listening bemusedly from her desk, gasped.
Before Isabel had taken another breath she found herself on her back, gazing up at him bemusedly.
As they stepped into the firelight, both men stared bemusedly at the girl.
Chaim waved them off bemusedly, as if they were putting him on.