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With bemusement and wonder, he looked at the baby she held.
Ford started to feel the side of his head again in some bemusement.
The other two could only watch the transformation in bemusement.
After a moment be looked up, a faint bemusement in his eyes.
I do hope that "bemusement" will not be one of their responses.
Everyone seemed to want in, to the bemusement of many natives, who know their home politics well.
"But you're doing so right now," she said in bemusement.
He sat back and shook his head in slow bemusement.
Much of this bemusement started when I first walked into the dining room.
"We looked at the film and it was all us," Golden said with bemusement.
With typical bemusement, he noted that there is only one change.
"They would like me to get into a fight every day," he said with a air of almost detached bemusement.
Instead he stared in quiet bemusement at the scene before him.
"I say this with a certain bemusement," Quality said as they separated.
There was a faint expression of bemusement on her face.
Mary watched in bemusement as he brought the garment to her.
Teddy tilted his head at me with an air of bemusement.
I left him with a look of befuddled bemusement on his face.
Soon the area was flooded with police cars, much to the bemusement of the soldiers.
His eyes, too old for such a frail body, display bemusement.
The public received the first performance with bemusement, but there were many positive reactions.
He looked down at the boy with some bemusement.
"But the way people react" He shook his head in bemusement.
Perhaps 200 people in the spectators' gallery watched with bemusement.
On his face was the happy bemusement of those who had taken anodyne.