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After this single benefit performance, the work is not scheduled to be seen again until March.
Between now and April 5, more than 800 benefit performances will take place all over the world.
He treated the benefit performance as a showcase for his work.
The concert was a benefit performance for the nation of Bosnia.
I'm going to give a benefit performance for them after they release us."
It was a benefit performance, and the only time that the three brothers would appear together on the same stage.
Stock options make more people act like owners of their companies, and that can only benefit performance.
The benefit performance is long overdue, the center's critics say.
This year, nearly 800 benefit performances of the play are planned in some 150 cities around the world.
In other cases, a benefit performance is given to help the writer or a performer out of financial difficulties.
I gather that you are prepared to play a benefit performance?"
The city's elite attended these; who else turns out for benefit performances?
The June 14 concerts are benefit performances to help finance the trip.
The amalgam was a benefit performance for the company's pension fund.
While substantial, this is a sum the Met could easily raise through a single extra benefit performance.
Elias was not to have even one benefit performance.
But her dancing shoes, though not yet in storage, don't get a lot of use these days, except for the occasional benefit performance.
A benefit performance is not a rarity of course.
Wynton Marsalis played a benefit performance for the school in 1994, as well.
She sang in opera here and organized benefit performances for war refugees.
The company will also present a special Valentine benefit performance on Wednesday at 8 p.m.
The night of her benefit performance, thousands of people poured into a forum here.
This week the producers announced a special benefit performance at midnight on Feb. 18.
Carol has given numerous benefit performances for physical rehabilitation programs, an effort motivated by her own experience.
Mrs. King and other family members plan to attend a benefit performance on May 23.