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Colin came with her, and his green jacket was thoroughly bespattered.
When she vanished, the floor was bespattered with red petals, looking like nothing so much as a pool of blood.
The latest bout of mudslinging has left that vow bespattered.
Never able to speak her mind, she had settled for a graphic demonstration, a life, a home, bespattered and fouled.
But these phantoms each held his head in his hand, and shaking it by the hair, bespattered him with drops of blood.
Radiant shards of the magic door bespattered his tunic and breeches.
Afterward, nobody remarked that his lack of finesse in the farmyard had left him bespattered with milk.
Caesar's wife is bespattered with it.
Soon Mura and the peasants arrived, bespattered with mud.
He had been overthrown into gutters; bespattered with mud; violently flattened against posts.
He was liberally bespattered all over.
Then, bespattered with the thing's blood, reeking with its awful stench, he stooped to lift the girl.
Chapter nineteen Chaeron walked on a sandy shore bespattered with salt spray.
Many soldiers, still manning their guns, were bespattered with the bowels, blood and brains of their stricken comrades.
I became ashamed of my delicate hands, my pale face and my life which had not been bespattered with mud and blood.
Pietro Miletti appeared, his elegant shoes and trousers bespattered with mud.
He was a gruesome sight and knew it, bespattered with bear blood as he was, yet he did not mistake the look in her eyes.
"Probably some kind of allergy" - thought she, while aloud she apologized to an Arab-looking customer, whom she seemed to had bespattered.
These were tucked into knee-length boots, gleaming black where they were not bespattered with mud, which was not in many parts.
When they had left the village, passing beneath the clump of wild apricot trees, bespattered with blossom, they walked in single file between the fields.
They joined a small group of spectators under the arc lights that pinpointed a small quiescent crater in a rock area bespattered with mud.
Rumi Rice Pudding Sheila stomped into the staff room, her uniform bespattered with someone's dinner.
Yet paradoxically enough, Disraeli's marriage was one of the most glowing successes in all the battered and bespattered annals of matrimony.
I jumped back of course, lest his fall should bear me down with him; so my first man-killing bespattered me less than my first pig-killing.
It was full late in the night when the carriage emerged, dripping and bespattered, out of the creek, and stood at the door of a large farmhouse.