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Beta waved a glistening hand to the cluster of buildings below them.
There were theta and beta wave intrusions for a while.
Most service companies uses an alpha and beta wave design to cover the total length of the horizontal well with gravel.
Above alpha are the beta waves- from concentration up to frenzy to madness at 18 or so cycles.
For some time now, I have had what looks like a hippie headband that picks up my alpha and beta waves.
Some years ago researchers found that we can control our mental alpha and beta waves by directing our thoughts.
Beta wave training had given his generation mind control capabilities unavailable fifty years before his birth.
Neurofeedback alerts the patient when beta waves are present.
The other flickers at the frequency of brain waves associated with concentration, known as beta waves.
The muscles still tensed, the beta waves still whipping me along when all I wanted to do was rest, and wait for nightfall.
Then some beta waves appeared.
Beta waves correspond to normal conscious brain activity, ranging from calm and relaxed consciousness, to fight-or-flight panic.
At three in the morning, another burst of theta and beta waves had crossed the EEG screen.
Far away, Dussander recited pulse, blood pressure, respiration, alpha waves, beta waves, stroke count.
There is also something called sensory motor rhythm, or S.M.R., which is a similar frequency to beta waves.
In addition to alpha waves, there are also beta waves, representing a faster cycle, from 14 to 50 per second, and a smaller fluctuation in potential.
Beta wave - (12-30 Hz)
As he related his findings to Rachel, David's theta and beta waves vanished from the EEG screen.
Most of the research has focused on easily observed phenomena like alpha and beta waves, which have been respectively linked to activities including sleep and heightened alertness.
Or hook up an encephalograph with a cathode ray tube that her mother could see, and teach her to modulate her beta waves.
When applied in an illuminated room, it induces most effectively the perception of continuously flickering light (phosphenes) with frequencies in the beta wave.
Low amplitude beta waves with multiple and varying frequencies are often associated with active, busy, or anxious thinking and active concentration.
Mori performed an experiment at Tokyo's Nihon University designed to measure the effect of video games on human brain activity by examining beta waves.
Theta: Theta waves are much slower than beta wave and correspond with states of mind that include meditation, release of stress, and lucid dreaming.
Over the motor cortex beta waves are associated with the muscle contractions that happen in isotonic movements and are suppressed prior to and during movement changes.