The Sisters took only the most destitute, and provided them with all the care they needed, doing so without any form of compensation.
It was a theme echoed at least among the most destitute: things could change only for the better.
Release was affordable for all but the most destitute.
Those who remain at Argo are the most destitute.
Some counters said they were moved to offer pocket money or a cup of coffee to the most destitute.
Poultry, both wild and domestic and fish were available to all but the most destitute.
Nor do we forget the poorest and most destitute who are still deprived of treatment.
This is a purchasing power crisis, which hits the most destitute who can no longer afford to buy food.
What changes have resulted from your arguments that the most destitute can be successfully treated?
The agreement is fraught with potential complications but it could help bring development to one of the world's most destitute regions.