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The nation which invented bhang must have something going for it!
Bhang can be deceptively strong and does not agree with everyone.
First, they each swallowed a pint of bhang, a local drink.
Sale of bhang is also government regulated and illegal without a permit.
During the trip, they unknowingly drink Bhang and make love while intoxicated.
There was no shortage of bhang or card-games in Vietnam.
He seemed sunk in a deep reverie, like that of the bhang smoker.
Typically, bhang is the most commonly used form of cannabis in religious festivals.
In contrast, foolish drinking of bhang without rites is considered a sin.
Bhang has become an integral part of tradition and custom in the Indian subcontinent.
Half stupefied from the dose of bhang, Harry could not talk coherently.
Bhang has been used as an intoxicant for centuries in the Indian sub-continent.
Hassan, anticipating his execution, takes a triple dose of "bhang".
He rolled out from under Zelikman, who looked surprised as if by the turn his bhang dream had taken.
There is even a belief that to meet someone carrying bhang is an omen of success.
He saw that they were slightly unfocused, as though he had been smoking the bhang weed.
Hallooked at him with the blank eyes of a bhang smoker.
Now she had been drugged with bhang, but at that moment she threw up the stuff and awoke.
Apart from this, sweetened bhang golis are also widely available.
After drinking bhang, people react in different ways, some crave for sweets, others cry or laugh.
He almost crashed into Sue Bhang as she appeared below the curve of the ceiling.
When his gear was packed he took out his pipe and the last of his bhang.
Anywhere on the ghats, one can find large number of men engaged in the process of preparing bhang.
The remaining green water is known locally as "bhang" and consumed as is.
What does he mean by bhang?"