Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
Some 500 bicyclists are expected to take part in the race.
The number of bicyclists killed would fall to 2 or 3, from 18 a year now.
"Men want the bicyclists to get out of their way."
More bicyclists had come up, from the direction of town.
Are the two bicyclists who speed by outside part of the action?
The police have been paying more attention to bicyclists for several months.
There was another group of bicyclists passing along the road.
At least half the participants are not serious bicyclists, she added.
Thousands of bicyclists will make the same point by taking to the streets.
That means educating the public and the police about bicyclists' rights.
Groups are limited to 18 bicyclists and they ride from 30 to 50 miles a day.
Organized bicyclists, however, do have a way of fighting back.
The collision turns out to be that of two bicyclists.
Miss Levin's body was found a few minutes later by a bicyclist.
Shortly after, a bicyclist who did not follow our lead was hit and killed.
This trail section is very popular with bicyclists during the summer months.
More than 800 bicyclists from Kansas and other states participate each year.
Bicyclists must use hand signals when preparing to turn or stop.
Slower bicyclists should keep to the right and not turn into the left lane without looking.
The young bicyclist is fallen in love with the girl who's running every morning on his route.
Why did the sight of the bicyclist evoke in me a love for his city?
He hailed a bicyclist and had him dole out a cup.
After 10 years of having such annual meetings, the bicyclists may finally be making some progress.
Less experienced bicyclists should be educated about the rules of the road.
Bicyclists can ride the access road to the dam face and back.