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As always in a Biennial, there is not enough information.
Almost 40 percent of the participants in the 1989 Biennial were women.
But the next Biennial is a break from the schedule.
Had things gone as scheduled, the next Biennial would have been in 1999.
They always are in biennials, if you hunt for them.
Unity was less easy to come by than in past biennials.
His recent work hits a number of issues raised by the Biennial.
I don't think it has anything to do with the Biennial.
The question of just whom biennials are really for is an intriguing one.
But it's interesting that most of the less political work in the Biennial is made by white males.
Since then, there have been 5 other biennials, the most recent of which ended on January 7, 2007.
By rough estimate, there are now 200 biennials around the world.
Other pieces in the Biennial are not so easy to decipher.
"I'm not sure where the Biennials will be located in the future," he added.
Many biennials require a cold treatment, before they will flower.
"The biennials recently put on the map have been organized by people from the field, so we are still in good hands."
This Biennial, which includes the work of 100 artists, is no exception.
The representation of women, 33 percent, is unusually high as biennials go.
The audience at the 2004 Biennial can attest to that.
All the artists invited are actually participating in the Biennial.
Other varieties take longer to develop and are treated as biennials.
The museum announced this week that it had agreed to buy 16 works from its 1997 Biennial.
He went on to intimate that it would fall out of favor in coming biennials.
A team of curators he put together staged the recent Biennial, a good one for once.
Many of them now exhibit in international biennials and galleries worldwide.