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He sometimes draws himself into strips, such as Biffo in the 2010 annual.
He was given the nickname "Biffo" for starting or getting into fights.
He is like a rover but dishes out a bit of good old-fashioned biffo.
Blocker: I am telling you that everyone loves a bit of biffo.
Rodney tries talking his way out of it, but then runs away with Biffo giving chase.
It was a heavyweight encounter that promised plenty of biffo.
From a pop culture expo to roller derby biffo, we've got you covered.
The threat of niggle becoming biffo evaporated as the urgency increased.
A tough match with plenty of "biffo" with 2 players suspended afterwards.
Nothing like a bit of biffo!
Tough forward play later on in the game resulted in a bit of biffo for the second week in a row.
Biffo the Bear took over two weeks later, as at this time the comic was published fortnightly due to paper rationing.
Dennis the Menace took over as from the following week, and Biffo was relegated to the inside pages.
Somebody got their eye on you, Biffo!'
Mr. Biffo, games magazine editor, writer of a column named "Biffovision"
However, for Biffo the damage had been done, and his last shreds of faith in the company had been shattered.
Gone is the Origin biffo.
Max and Biffo have been at the safari park for several years and come from Belgium originally.
You don't want them to have total control, you want them to have a bit of biffo trying to get something through.
Biffo also made an appearance in the 2010 Beano Annual, again drawn by Sutherland.
In Vancouver, there will be plenty of ice-based biffo as the men's ice hockey competition reaches the semi-final stage.
A biffo profile of Morgan Kelly.
Pre-match hype about biffo failed to eventuate but the match wasn't without controversy - and a few casualties for the Lions.
He's had articles pasted on walls and footage of some of the best Origin biffo on rotation.
McCullum was tucked up for the first couple of balls - would've thought he'd be giving it some biffo at this stage, but not as yet...