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In looking over your billable hours and expenses, some questions come to mind.
And I hate to tell you boys, but these hours are not billable.
For example, let's say that I recorded 32 hours of billable time in a 40 hour week.
After all, the longer the list, the more billable hours he'd be logging in.
But its professionals average 2,000 billable hours a year, 300 more than most of the competition.
The time required to complete paperwork is, of course, not billable.
Most of the travel was alleged to be not billable to the organization.
Associates have been under pressure to produce more billable hours for years.
A limit of 125 billable days was placed on the chairman.
Rose Memorial would have been out thousands of billable patients every year.
One year and thousands of billable hours later, the consultants hit upon a solution.
Might as well make it a billable half hour.
There are a lot of billable hours in that.
Watching television was free, and access to the Internet would not be generally available or billable for two decades.
Clearly, team pride takes precedence over issues like billable hours.
They could drag the case out for years and run their billable hours into the stratosphere.
Apparently, they like you well enough, but you seem to fall short in the billable hours department.
In so many, it's all about billable hours and corporate or high-profile clients.
The billable assessments tend to lag behind changes in the market value.
Or those lawyers who run up needless billable hours through incompetence?
Are emergency physicians more likely to include counseling in their practice if it is a billable service?
"If a law firm is writing a brief and the system goes down, they lose billable hours.
Compensation is also based on a number of other factors, including leadership and business development activities, among which billable hours are just one component.
That results in a greater number of billable hours, the base for calculating lawyers' fees.
She wondered whether all the billable hours, which had left her with little outside life, had been worth it.